Why speed networking?

If you know networking is important for your business but the options available in Pukekohe don’t work for you, maybe our speed networking events are the right fit.

Face-to-face networking is a powerful tool to grow your business or career, especially in a region where people want to work with other locals. As Pukekohe’s coworking space, it made sense that we would wade into the networking arena!

There are lots of established networking groups operating in Franklin that do a great job of meeting the needs of their members, so we needed to offer something different and address the needs people had that weren’t been met by other groups.

The Fear of Commitment

The networking groups operating in Pukekohe and Franklin tend to be membership based, which is an important part of their model.

Once you have signed up for your annual or bi-annual membership, you are committed to attending the weekly or fortnightly meetings - this is great for building strong connections with others in your group, but for some people this is just too great a commitment. And if you do sign up and can’t make it to meetings there is that awful feeling of letting people down.

Networking anxiety

Walking into a room of people you don’t know and elbowing your way into an established conversation is not easy for most of us. And standing in front of a group of people and talking about your business for 60 seconds is unfortunately nightmare material for many.

The structure of speed networking means you are introduced to lots people in a short period of time, without having to work up the nerve to do it yourself. It also means you are only talking about yourself and your business to one person at a time, in a more conversational way, which is much less intimidating.


When you are starting out in business there are so many expenses and it can be hard to know where to spend your money. Buying a ticket to the individual events is a low-cost way to meet other local businesspeople; who are engaged and interested to meet you.

We will work to keep our ticket prices low to make our event as accessible as possible.

Want to give it a try? Check out our Events page, make sure you sign up to our mailing list and follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn to be in the know on upcoming events.


Why coworking?


Meet Tae-Ho Ko